The Return of the Killer Tuples
This workbench finishes of what has been a three-part series of string functions. In it, we introduce the idea of using XML to provide a very simple array for doing string handling. This allows us to use functions for searching and splitting strings that will be familiar to users of procedural languages such as PHP and Python.
The first part, TSQL String Array Workbench showed how the basics worked and then demonstrated how it could be used with a PHP-style string function. What inspired us to write this workshop was when Phil had to endure a PHP programmer sounding off about how much better PHPs string handling as than TSQL. He then made the discovery that it was actually possible to pass a string in an XML parameter, detect the fact and convert it to a single-item list, so as to emulate the facility of PHP and Python to pass either lists or single strings.
Of course, this principle could be extended to arrays and matrices. We don’t handle the representation of lists, arrays and matrices in any standard way, as this would be a distraction at this stage, and multi-dimensional lists of arrays aren’t used much for strings.
We then got rather diverted by the Python string functions (now string methods) and so wrote the SQL String User Function Workbench: part 1 that emulated all the python string functions that didn’t have lists as parameters so we didn’t use the XML array mechanism. Unfortunately there were a whole group that did, so here to round things up are the…
SQL String User Functions (from Python) that can use lists
- Split function
- SplitLines
- Within (not from python)
- EndsWith
- StartsWith
- Contains (not from python)
- Join
- Parts (not from python)
- Partition
- RPartition
Split Function
Return an array of the words in the string, using @delimiter
as a delimiter. If @maxsplit
is given, at most @maxsplit
splits are done. (thus, the list will have at most maxsplit+1
elements). If @maxsplit
is not specified, then there is no limit on the number of splits (all possible splits are made). Consecutive delimiters are not grouped together and are deemed to delimit empty strings. The sep
argument may consist of several characters. If @Delimiter
is not specified or is None
, a different splitting algorithm is applied. First, whitespace characters spaces, tabs, newlines, returns, and formfeeds) are stripped from both ends. Then, words are separated by arbitrary length strings of whitespace characters. Consecutive whitespace delimiters are treated as a single delimiter. Splitting an empty string or a string consisting of just whitespace returns an empty list. P.S. We took this second ‘splitting algorithm’ to mean that a list of the words was required. Our solution is only tested for English and will need fine tuning for other languages. Phil swore ages ago that Hell would freeze over before he ever published yet another string-splitting algorithm. We may have hit on a solution to global warming here.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'split') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION split GO <a id="first"></a> CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[split] ( @String VARCHAR(8000), @Delimiter VARCHAR(255) = NULL, @MaxSplit INT = NULL ) RETURNS XML AS BEGIN DECLARE @results TABLE ( seqno INT IDENTITY(1, 1), Item VARCHAR(MAX) ) DECLARE @xml XML, @HowManyDone INT, --index of current search @HowMuchToDo INT,--How much more of the string to do @StartOfSplit INT, @EndOfSplit INT, @SplitStartCharacters VARCHAR(255), @SplitEndCharacters VARCHAR(255), @ItemCharacters VARCHAR(255), @ii INT SELECT @HowMuchToDo = LEN(@string), @HowManyDone = 0, @StartOfSplit = 100, @SplitEndCharacters = '[a-z]', @SplitStartCharacters = COALESCE(@Delimiter, '[^-a-z'']'), @EndOfSplit = LEN(@SplitStartCharacters), @ii = 1 WHILE @StartOfSplit > 0--we have a delimiter left to do AND @HowMuchToDo > 0--there is more of the string to split AND @ii <= COALESCE(@MaxSplit, @ii) BEGIN --find the delimiter or the start of the non-word block SELECT @StartOfSplit = PATINDEX('%' + @SplitStartCharacters + '%', RIGHT(@String,@HowMuchToDo) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI) IF @StartOfSplit > 0--if there is a non-word block AND @delimiter IS NULL SELECT @EndOfSplit = --find the next word PATINDEX('%' + @SplitEndCharacters + '%', RIGHT(@string,@HowMuchToDo- @startOfSplit) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI) IF @StartOfSplit > 0--if there is a non-word block or delimiter AND @ii < COALESCE(@MaxSplit, @ii + 1) --and there is a field --still to do INSERT INTO @Results (item) SELECT LEFT(RIGHT(@String, @HowMuchToDo), @startofsplit - 1) ELSE --if not then save the rest of the string INSERT INTO @Results (item) SELECT RIGHT(@String, @HowMuchToDo) SELECT @HowMuchToDo = @HowMuchToDo - @StartOfSplit - @endofSplit + 1, @ii = @ii + 1 END |
Now we simply output the temporary table variable as XML using our standard string-array format.
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SELECT @xml = (SELECT seqno, item FROM @results FOR XML PATH('element'), TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT('stringarray') ) RETURN @xml END GO IF OBJECT_ID(N'ArrayToTable') IS NULL RAISERROR ('In order to try these examples, you will need the Array, ArrayToTable, str_Replace, and Item functions from the TSQL String Array Workbench',16,1) |
So now we test it out (The real test rig is longer and more boring).
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SELECT * FROM dbo.ArrayToTable(dbo.split('If I wanted that c**p from you, I''d squeeze your head', NULL, NULL)) SELECT dbo.split('How come you always program when drunk? Because I learned how to when drunk', '?', NULL) SELECT dbo.split('This is the worst disaster to happen here since I arrived' ,NULL, NULL) SELECT * FROM dbo.ArrayToTable(dbo.split('When I read about Service Broker, I find I have amnesia and Deja vu at the same time I keep thinking I''ve forgotten it before', ' ', NULL)) |
SplitLines string Function
Return a list of the lines in the string, breaking at line boundaries. Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends is given and true. p.s. This is such a simple modification to ‘Split’ that you wonder why they bothered.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'SplitLines') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION SplitLines GO <a id="second"></a> CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitLines ( @String VARCHAR(8000), @keepends INT=0 ) RETURNS XML AS BEGIN DECLARE @Delimiter VARCHAR(5) SELECT @Delimiter=CASE WHEN COALESCE(@keepends,0)<>0 THEN CHAR(13) ELSE ' ' END RETURN dbo.split(@string, @delimiter, NULL) END GO SELECT * FROM ArrayToTable(dbo.SplitLines(' When the guy who made the first drawing board got it wrong, what did he go back to? ',1)) SELECT * FROM ArrayToTable(dbo.SplitLines('What is another word for ''Thesaurus'' ',0)) -- seqno item -- ----------- --------------------- -- 1 What is another -- 2 word for 'Thesaurus' |
Note: in SQL Server 2016, there is a built-in function to do this called STRING_SPLIT
1 2 |
DECLARE @tags VARCHAR(200) = 'Yan,Tyan,Tethera,Methera,Pimp,Sethera,Lethera,Hovera,Dovera,Dik,Yanadik,Tyanadik,Tethera dik,Methera dik,Bumfitt,Yanabumfit,Tyanabumfitt,Tetherabumfitt,Metherabumfitt,Giggot' SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(@tags, ',') |
within string Function
Return non-zero if the string contains the specified substring, otherwise return False
. Suffix can also be a list of substrings to look for. With the optional start parameter, the test should begin at that position. With the optional end,the test should stop comparing at that position. P.S. This isn’t a Python method, but it underpins the Startswith
, and EndsWith
routines. We add the contains
function to hide the wildcard.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'within') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION within GO <a id="third"></a>CREATE FUNCTION within ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @Substring XML, @start INT = NULL, @end INT = NULL, @prefixWildcard VARCHAR(1)='%', @SuffixWildcard VARCHAR(1)='%' ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @Match INT SELECT @Start = COALESCE(@Start, 1), @End = COALESCE(@End, LEN(@String)) IF @string IS NULL OR @Substring IS NULL RETURN NULL --convert a single Substring into an array of one. IF CHARINDEX('<stringarray>', CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), @Substring)) = 0 SELECT @Substring = '<stringarray><element><seqno>1</seqno><item>' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),@Substring) + '</item></element></stringarray>' -- provide sensible defaults for the limiters SELECT @end = CASE WHEN @end > LEN(@string) THEN LEN(@string) ELSE @end END, @Start = CASE WHEN @start > LEN(@string) THEN LEN(@string) ELSE @start END --and it is one simple SELECT statement! SELECT @match= COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT x.y.value('item[1]', 'VARCHAR(200)') AS [Substring ] FROM @Substring .nodes('//stringarray/element') AS x ( y ) ) theSubstrings WHERE PATINDEX(@SuffixWildcard+SUBSTRING +@prefixWildcard, SUBSTRING(@string, @Start, @End - @start + 1))>0 RETURN @match END GO SELECT dbo.within('I''m writing an unauthorised autobiography, but what I''ve always wanted to do is to write a book ending in the word ''mayonnaise''', dbo.array('mayonnaise,thrifty,art,lust',','), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT) -- 1 |
EndsWith string Function
Return non-zero if the string ends with the suffix, otherwise return False
. The suffix can also be a list of suffixes to look for. With optional start, test string beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing string at that position.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'EndsWith') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION EndsWith GO <a id="fourth"></a>CREATE FUNCTION dbo.EndsWith ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @prefix XML, @start INT = NULL, @end INT = NULL ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN dbo.within(@String,@prefix,@start,@end,'','%') END GO SELECT dbo.endswith('The IRA are indiscriminately killing men women and children, and now they''ve killed two Australians Quote from Margaret Thatcher', dbo.array('wilson,Reagan,Clinton,Thatcher',','), DEFAULT, DEFAULT) SELECT dbo.endswith( 'If we don''t succeed, then we run the risk of failure Quote from Dan Quayle', 'Quayle', DEFAULT, DEFAULT) SELECT dbo.endswith( 'Prudent dullness marked him out as project manager.', '[.;:,]', DEFAULT, DEFAULT) |
StartsWith string Function
Return non-zero if the string starts with the prefix, otherwise return False
. Prefix can also be a list of prefixes to look for. With optional start, test string beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing string at that position.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'StartsWith') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION StartsWith GO <a id="fifth"></a>CREATE FUNCTION dbo.StartsWith ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @prefix XML, @start INT = NULL, @end INT = NULL ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN dbo.within(@String,@prefix,@start,@end,'%','') END GO SELECT dbo.StartsWith( 'Aside from its purchasing power, money is pretty useless', dbo.array('power,money,love',','),27,DEFAULT) -- 1 |
Contains string Function
Return non-zero if the string contains the substring, otherwise returns 0. substring can also be a list of substrings to look for. With optional start, test string beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing string at that position.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Contains') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION [Contains] GO <a id="sixth"></a>CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[Contains] ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @substring XML, @start INT = NULL, @end INT = NULL ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN dbo.within(@String,@substring,@start,@end,'%','%') END GO SELECT dbo.[contains]('What about coming to work for my company? Will that many people fit under a rock?','work',DEFAULT, DEFAULT) --1 |
Join string Function
Joins together the given array as a string with the @separator
as separator:
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Join') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION [Join] GO <a id="seventh"></a>CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[Join] ( @array XML, @separator VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN DECLARE @joined VARCHAR(MAX) --it is conceivable that someone might use a string here, to --make sure it is XML in our format IF CHARINDEX('<stringarray>', CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), @array)) = 0 SELECT @array = '<stringarray><element><seqno>1</seqno><item>' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), @array) + '</item></element></stringarray>' --and now once again it is a simple select statement SELECT @joined=COALESCE(@joined+@separator,'') + item FROM ( SELECT x.y.value('item[1]', 'VARCHAR(200)') AS [item], x.y.value('seqno[1]', 'INT') AS seqno FROM @array.nodes('//stringarray/element') AS x ( y ) ) f ORDER BY f.seqno RETURN @joined END GO SELECT dbo.[join](dbo.array ('Waterp,Repr,Dispr,Al,L,R,Pr,',','),'oof,') -- Waterpoof,Reproof,Disproof,Aloof,Loof,Roof,Proof, SELECT dbo.[join]( dbo.array ('F,r,i,e,d, ,E,g,g,s',','),'') -- Fried Eggs |
Parts string Function
Split the string at the first occurrence of sep
, and return an array containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after the separator. IF the separator is not found, return an array containing the string itself, followed by two empty strings. P.S. This is not part of the Python suite. It is used to support Partition
and RPartition
. Again, Phil required calming down before he knuckled down to write this, since he once swore he would never publish another string splitting routine.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Parts') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION Parts GO <a id="eighth"></a>CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Parts ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @sep VARCHAR(MAX), @Last INT=0 ) RETURNS XML AS BEGIN DECLARE @SepPos INT, @XML AS XML DECLARE @results TABLE ( seqno INT IDENTITY(1, 1), -- the sequence is meaningful here Item VARCHAR(MAX) ) IF @last<>0 SELECT @SepPos=dbo.rfind(@string,@sep,DEFAULT,DEFAULT) ELSE SELECT @SepPos=CHARINDEX(@Sep,@string) IF @SepPos>0 INSERT INTO @results(Item) SELECT LEFT(@String,@SepPos-1) UNION ALL SELECT @Sep UNION ALL SELECT RIGHT(@String,LEN(@String)-@Seppos-LEN(@sep)+1) ELSE INSERT INTO @results(Item) SELECT @String UNION ALL SELECT '' UNION ALL SELECT '' SELECT @xml = (SELECT seqno, item FROM @results FOR XML PATH('element'), TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT('stringarray') ) RETURN @xml END GO SELECT * FROM dbo.ArrayToTable('IS your manager a bookworm? NO just an ordinary one','?',0)) SELECT'None of my team ever made a fool of me. well who was it then?','fool',0) |
Partition string Function
Split the string at the first occurrence of sep
, and return an array containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after the separator. If the separator is not found, return an array containing the string itself, followed by two empty strings.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'Partition') IS NOT NULL <a id="ninth"></a>DROP FUNCTION Partition GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Partition ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @Sep VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS XML AS BEGIN RETURN,@sep,0) END GO |
RPartition string Function
Split the string at the last occurrence of sep
, and return an array containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after the separator. If the separator is not found, return an array containing the string itself, followed by two empty strings.
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IF OBJECT_ID(N'RPartition') IS NOT NULL <a id="tenth"></a>DROP FUNCTION RPartition GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.RPartition ( @String VARCHAR(MAX), @Sep VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS XML AS BEGIN RETURN,@sep,1) END GO SELECT item FROM dbo.ArrayToTable(dbo.partition( 'Does the name ''Pavlov'' ring a bell?', 'pavlov')) -- Does the name ' -- pavlov -- ' ring a bell? SELECT item FROM dbo.ArrayToTable(dbo.Partition( 'anyone who isn''t pulling his weight is probably pushing his luck','his')) -- anyone who isn't pulling -- his -- weight is probably pushing his luck SELECT item FROM dbo.ArrayToTable(dbo.RPartition( 'anyone who isn''t pulling his weight is probably pushing his luck','his')) -- anyone who isn't pulling his weight is probably pushing -- his -- luck |
So, just to summarise:
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-- We can create a string array as a variable DECLARE @DaysOfTheWeek XML -- We can take a delimites string list, and turn it into an array SELECT @DaysOfTheWeek=dbo.array( 'Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday',',') -- We can extract a list element SELECT dbo.item(@DaysOfTheWeek,4) -- Thursday -- We can find how many there are in the list SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR,@DaysOfTheWeek.query('count(/stringarray/element/.)')) -- We can use it as a table... SELECT * FROM dbo.ArrayToTable(@DaysOfTheWeek) -- -- seqno item -- ----------- ----------- -- 1 Monday -- 2 Tuesday -- 3 Wednesday -- 4 Thursday -- 5 Friday -- 6 Saturday -- 7 Sunday -- And we can see if the elements occur in a string SELECT dbo.[contains]('you will need to get this done by tuesday at the latest', @DaysOfTheWeek,DEFAULT,DEFAULT) -- Or replace all occurences SELECT dbo.str_Replace(@DaysOfTheWeek, dbo.split('poniedzialek,wtorek,sroda,czwartek,piatek,sobota,niedziela',',', DEFAULT), 'you should start on monday. you will need to get this finished by friday at the latest') -- you should start on poniedzialek. you will need to get this finished by -- piatek at the latest |
…and so on, and so forth. The combinations and possibilities are endless. We find that having the functions there will speed development. We always say that, for speed-critical sections of code, we’ll re-code using the built-in functions; but it is surprising how seldom this is actually required.
Please remember that the code is, as ever, available to download below. Just to make things simpler, we’ve added the code for the previous string User-Function workbenches too.
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